Like a Movie Star

There is something to be said for making an entrance.  Hannibal with his war elephants would be a good historical example displaying cunning and gall and new technology….or maybe from “Remember the Titans” entering the field.  Perhaps though a more apt one would be in the movie “Dr. No” from 1962.  The scene is at a well dressed card game…a beautiful woman in a red dress is losing and there is a gentleman in a tuxedo in the foreground with his face hidden from view.  After a yet another victory by the unknown man, we hear the gentleman, still out of view, utter to the lady… “I admire your courage, Miss?”  To which she replies, “Trench, Sylvia Trench. I admire your luck, Mister?”  With that, the camera pans to show his face and there sits Sean Connery in all his tuxedoed glory, polished and handsome as he lights his cigarette with flair and speaks those oft-quoted words: “Bond, James Bond.”

How does any of this relate to traveling into Venice from Marco Polo International Airport?  Well, here is the deal.  Venice presents a problem like no other city when it comes to making connections to your hotel from the Airport Terminal.  There is no Uber, Taxi or rental car agency to hire.  From the airport, you can take the express bus (8 Euro) to Piazzale Roma near the main Venice train station called Santa Lucia; it travels along the causeway that connects the mainland to Venice, which is also is occupied by the train line.  It is relatively cheap but because of where it drops you off, just west of the Train Station, you are all on your own from there, either by foot or by Valporetto.  

These Valporettos are essentially water buses and they connect the city much like a bus would…carrying large numbers of people to and fro along designated lines and specific stops.  The specific Valporetto directly from the Airport is operated by Alilaguna and takes approximately 70 minutes and drops you off at various “bus stops” around Venice.  The Alilaguna Valporetto from the airport should cost you between 15-20 Euro each way.  Then, you are again on your own to navigate the alleys of Venice to get to your hotel….not always the easiest thing when loaded down with luggage and perhaps at night.  

What if I told you though, that there is a much better, more elegant way to make your way to your hotel…one that is exhilarating, provides one of the best views of the Venetian Lagoon imaginable and gives you a view of the ancient city of Venice like no other.  I have demonstrated plenty of bad ways to spend 150 Euro during my lifetime but this is the absolute best way I have ever done it.  After a short, pleasant walk from the terminal, you end up at a very nice boat dock area….really well done.  There, the aforementioned Alilaguna Valporettos are loading dozens of passengers and their overly packed bags into a space, perhaps designed to carry that number of people but not with bags….it is an unpleasant experience especially on a hot summer day….I know this from previous trips to Venice.

This time though, me and my companion stride past those unfortunate souls and head to one of several teak and mahogany speed boats tied up and awaiting their fare.  Handing your luggage over and then being helped into a bobbing boat makes for a easy transition from terra firma to lagoon.  Once settled in, it is just you, whoever you are traveling with and the crew.  We work our way out into the turning basin and then point the bow towards the canal and the engines open up with a throaty roar…the pointy end lifts up and we gain speed and enter the fast lane.  20-25 minutes later, you are tying up to the front of your hotel, the doorman is grabbing your bags and you are at the front desk in a snap.  

It is a wonderful way to make your way to your hotel…I can promise you, the best airport to hotel connection you will ever experience….so much so that halfway across the lagoon with the sunshine in our eyes, my companion looks over at me with oversized movie star sunglasses on and says, “this is what it must feel like to be a movie star”.  Indeed she is right.

As for securing this service, I utilized my hotel to book a spot for me…I’m not sure that is necessary but it made me feel better.  Within Marco Polo Airport, there are several kiosks that offer “Speed Boats to Venice” so you can do it there.  I have also attached a web address for the Consorzio Motoscafi Venezia which is the consortium of Taxi Services that manage this system.  It is a really nice website, has beautiful photos of the boats and gives information on securing their services.  One last tip, make sure your hotel is located on a navigable canal…..many are but it is worth asking if they have that capability to take a water taxi.